Friday, November 29, 2019

10 Most In-Demand Jobs in Canada under the Express Entry System

Canada’s Express entry system invites foreign skilled workers to live and work in the country as permanent residents. The applicant’s primary occupation is a major determinant of success in this process. Only those who can fulfill Canada’s labor market requirements by filling vacancies in certain jobs in Canada – specifically in positions listed under National Occupational Classification (NOC) Skill Type 0, or Skill Level A or B – are considered for this pathway.

92,235 new permanent residents were admitted through the Express Entry System in 2018, compared to 65,415 in 2017, implying that not only is skilled migration to Canada on the rise, but Express Entry is also the most preferred pathway for high-skilled immigrants. Some occupations that are facing extreme workforce shortages across the country are more likely to be selected from the Express Entry pool, as the demand for foreign workers in these fields, is more urgent.

Those who are planning to relocate for the purpose of being engaged in gainful employment must consider this factor while conducting a Canada job search. In 2018-19, applicants qualified to practice the below-mentioned in-demand occupations received the highest number of invitations to apply for permanent residence through the Express Entry System:

1.  14,320 applicants engaged in NOC 21 – Professional Occupations in Natural and Applied Sciences – were admitted.

2.  5,640 applicants engaged in NOC 11 – Professional Occupations in Business and Finance – were admitted.

3.   4,650 applicants engaged in NOC 01-05 – Specialized Middle Management Occupations – were admitted.

4. 4,265 applicants engaged in NOC 12 – Administrative and Financial Supervisors and Administrative Occupations – were admitted.

5.  3,645 applicants engaged in NOC 22 – Technical Occupations related to Natural and Applied Sciences – were admitted.

6.  2,695 applicants engaged in NOC 40 – Professional Occupations in Education Services – were admitted.

7.   2,180 applicants engaged in NOC 63 – Service Supervisors and Specialized Service Occupations – were admitted.

8.  2,115 applicants engaged in NOC 62 – Retail Sales Supervisors and Specialized Sales Occupations – were admitted.

9.  1,820 applicants engaged in NOC 06 – Middle Management Occupations in Retail and Wholesale Trade and Customer Services – were admitted.

10. 1,775 applicants engaged in NOC 31 – Professional Occupations in Health (except nursing) – were admitted.

While having a job offer in one of these occupations is not a mandatory eligibility requirement for the Express Entry process arranged employment significantly enhances the chances of being invited to apply for permanent residence. In order to connect with Canadian employers, and secure an appropriate offer of employment, foreign workers can seek the services of overseas job consultants, online job portals or international recruitment agencies.

The Express Entry System allows unrestricted access to a broad range of jobs in Canada, which are usually not accessible to people living outside the country. As a permanent resident, the job seeker will be considered for the position at par with local candidates, and be eligible to claim several social security benefits to safeguard their future in Canada.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Top promising jobs in New Zealand for newcomers

With a solid economic growth of 3%, the New Zealand job market is growing by leaps and bounds. Owing to the gradual development owing to the influx of a steady flow of the migrant population, no wonder the rate of unemployment has hit a 10-year low in 2018, making jobs in New Zealand a missed opportunity if you do not migrate right now to this land of majestic mountains and mystical rivers. There has been an estimation by the government that the workforce is expected to grow at 1.8% annually, that translates into the fact that this country requires 47,000 more skilled workers a year.

 These occupations are highly skilled and are in the requirement of expert and efficient professionals. Some of the top-rated sectors that have openings belong to the field of health, engineering and IT. But there are also similar employment opportunities in the fields of construction/trades as well as a profession that is related to business services.

But before you apply for a New Zealand work permit you must be aware of some of the topmost New Zealand jobs in demand that help you assess whether it your choice of occupation from where you have gained considerable work experience will be able to gain a profitable prospect for you in the Kiwi land.

The skills that are in demand are included in a list also known as ‘Essential Skills in Demand’ (ESID), that is updated regularly based on the needs and requirements of the particular province of New Zealand. If your preferred job is present on these skills’ shortage lists, that means that the local government accepts the fact that that the local labor native New Zealanders do not have the expertise and skill to fill the occupation. This is the reason many jobs in abroad for freshers are filled by immigrants.

Here are top jobs in New Zealand that you can apply as a newcomer planning to migrate to NZ

1. Management consultant

If you hail from a legal or business background and have highly rated interpersonal skills along with a seasoned knowledge about the industry, then a career in management consulting is the best option in New Zealand. Also, their average salary is good enough to garner a comfortable living in New Zealand for you and your family.

2.      Investment Banker

New Zealand is a great destination if you are thinking of pursuing a career in Investment banking as not only the country is home to larger global banks, but also is host to many sizeable domestic investment banks like Forsyth Barr, Cameron Partners and Murray & Co to name a few.

3.      Accountant

With professional services and corporate sector being in the top of the game professions, and pay well, accountancy cannot be excluded from the list of top jobs in NZ for skilled professionals.

For more information on some best jobs in New Zealand for newcomers, you can get in contact with our certified Overseas Job consultants.